How? Why??????

Good Goddess its been a long ass time since I wrote anything here! Oops.

I’ve been enjoying a personal hard reset that I’m not really finished with yet. But since today is the one year anniversary of finding out the family secret, I think I’ll dust off the old fingers and get clacking.

Remember my post about contacting my mother to ask her why in the hell she willingly married a rapist and murderer? I wanted to give her a chance to tell me her story before I told mine. It just felt like the right thing to do. I wanted to be fair and kind. I wanted to have her side of the story and I wanted to move forward with facts once it came time to include her.

As expected, she’s still not speaking to me and well… I must move on, so here we are.

When I left this story the questions on my mind were How and why?

How the hell did a women whose grew up in an upper middle class household, who’s father was the Senior Vice President of Seaspan, who grew up in the British Properties, who was the snobbiest snob of a person ,who talked shit constantly about people “beneath” her grow up to marry a rapist and murderer?

A man who grew up literally dirt poor. A man who was a criminal drifter. A man she considered in her own words “low class”

How the fuck did they meet and why the fuck were they together?

My parents were from two different worlds. They ran in two different circles. It makes NO SENSE. They make no sense.

The official story is this:

They met through friends.

That’s it. That’s all. No further information was offered. There was no cute story with any details. They met through friends. Full stop. Even as a child I found this weird and as I grew older I pressed for more information. What friends? (My parents barely had any) Where did you meet? “Through friends” is not a location! ” Through friends isn’t even a real answer! Still, their united response was always the same. They never strayed from their story. “Through friends” became almost like a mantra. Eventually, I gave up. The more I pushed, the more vicious their response.

Of course now that I KNOW what I KNOW, their story seems all the more suspicious.

I have a theory.

It’s only a theory but if we allow for Occam’s razor (when one has two competing theories, the simpler explanation is the one to be preferred. ) I’m feeling pretty good about this one.

I think they met in the hospital for the mentally ill.


I think my mother was also a patient there.

My father wasn’t granted off grounds rights until June 24th, 1971.

My parents were married, February 2, 1971. Five months before he was granted permission to be off grounds, under supervision.

Hmmmm. Very interesting.

Does the idea of my mother being hospitalized for a mental illness surprise me?

Not at all. Prior to this I was surprised she seemingly hadn’t been, just based on my experiences with her alone.

Of course I have other reasons to think this too, but those stories are for her to tell.

If true, the thing that enrages me is that my mother sat on her high horse, talking shit about a group of vulnerable people while being a part of that same group herself. My mother did real harm with her words. To elevate herself. To distance herself from the truth of who she was, while contributing to the stigma of mental illness in our society. She threw everyone else under the bus to save herself.

Yeah, yeah.. I understand why a person would do such a thing but still. That woman is the worst. Just the worst.

Anyway, that’s my theory. If true, it certainly answers the how. I’ll probably never be satisfied with the why but it would seem to explain it. It’s the simplest explanation after all.

Goodbye 2021


This year….

Where to even begin?

I feel like I’ve been smacked back into my body, my spirit, my mind and most definitely into the truth of things. A big ol dose of the way things really are.

This isn’t a bad thing. I’m grateful for it all even if parts of it were a titch traumatic. I’d rather live in clarity, that’s for sure.

I’ve been treated with such grace. With so much open hearted kindness and generosity. With great heaps of comfort and love. With understanding and validation. With acceptance and respect.

Thank you. To everyone who’s been a part of my 2021 journey, a million times a trillion THANK YOU!

I want to be you when I grow up ❤

May 2022 be as amazing as you are.

Take care of your precious hearts and may the love you freely give come back to you tenfold.


Every year I choose a word( or two, sometimes it’s a phrase) that acts as a compass and guide for the new year.

I don’t put much thought into the process, preferring to allow the word to come to me organically as my subconscious sees fit.

Sometimes I don’t like the word. Like TRUST for instance. Ugh! Trust is hard, especially for a person with a trauma injury.

Sometimes I don’t understand the reasons why a particular word has come bubbling up from the deep. Other times I know exactly why. Through it all and through the years -over five now- I’ve learned to just go with it,regardless. It’s always rewarding in some way and I’ve learned so much from a practice so simple.

This year -2021- my word has been- LISTEN.

This has been the best one yet! Even if it did lead me to some brutal discoveries. I am ever grateful. I learned so much! Not just about the family secret but about where I come from. Who I come from. Who and what I am.  That alone was life altering. In only the best of ways.

I learned about others too and I’ve gained a clarity that I just didn’t have before. The biggest lesson from this year’s word has been this:

In order to listen one needs to shut the hell up.

Ha! Seriously. Quiet down. Settle. Be still.

Then you can listen.

Then you’ve got a better chance of actually hearing!

That was the real challenge.  This monkey mind of mine….it just goes,goes,goes. My mouth does too😁  It’s something I work on every day except now I do so with the knowledge that behind my closed lips and quite mind there lies a real gift.

That which is.

Whatever that may be.❤

What do you hear when you listen?

What word has been helpful to you this year?

The Letter

When I first uncovered the family secret, I hadn’t had any real contact with my family for 16 years. I couldn’t exactly call them up and be all ” Heeeeey! What’s with the all the rape and murder?” I wasn’t immediately keen to talk to them anyway, save for possibly my sister, but as time went on an idea began to sprout inside my head. An idea that involved contact.

It seemed ridiculous at first because it was so, so simple but before long it became A THING and my brain added it to the its running list of very important tasks.

Tell my parents that I KNOW.

That’s it.

That’s all I needed to do.

This wasn’t a need to confront them and release a bunch of energy on them. It felt vital to tell them their secret was out, definitely not safe with me and then move on. It was bewildering to me how something so small felt so critical but I’ve learned to trust myself over the years. If that wee thing was important, I needed to honour it.

Now, unless I conduct a séance, telling my dad was out of the question. Father Murderer had died in 2014. But my mother, the murderer marrier (it’s totally a word!) was alive and thus she became my focus.

I figured a letter would be best as the thought of speaking to that woman was revolting, my bestie suggested I send it registered mail and that’s exactly what I did.

It took me about two weeks to get it just right. First, I wrote the letter every night in my head as I was falling asleep, ha ha ha! Of course this was involuntary but it was really, really important. I needed to get that vile shit out of my head. It wasn’t mine anyway!

Then, I put pen to paper and ripped through two legal pads in my attempt to get it just right. I didn’t want to be rude or mean because that never feels good no matter how justified but it took me awhile to get there, let me tell ya! In the meantime I’d grown really curious about the whole situation from my mother’s end.




My heart wasn’t set on getting an answer though because A. I knew she’d never tell me anything. Her favourite saying being ” Deny, Deny, Deny” I’m fairly certain she’s going to her grave with the story. B. Liars lie. There was no way I’d believe a damn word of what she said, even if she did respond. But I was definitely curious and I wanted to create a more fertile ground in case she decided to unload what must be a very heavy weight.

I also knew that I’d be talking about this and telling MY story. I felt it only fair to give her a chance to say her peace before I did so.

Sooooo, the letter.

I simply addressed her by our former last name – Huculak- told her that I knew everything and if she ever wanted to tell her version of the story she was welcome to contact me. I then gave that woman my freaking home address and my email address. Aaaahhhh! After not allowing her any access to me for 16 years, I freely gave that information out! Yes I did.

That was a little a scary. My inner child was definitely not comfortable doing that but I persevered and the icky feeling was replaced with something else. I felt like I was on a mission from my higher self. When I handed the letter over at the post office, I levelled up. My daughter offered up her address -sweet child that she is- but I knew I’d be able to handle any negative repercussions. Life has taught me that much. Plus, it was an integrity thing for me. I wasn’t hiding anything.

To date and true to form, she’s never responded. To date the only thing she’s done has been to orchestrate a weak attempt to discredit and gaslight me. Totally on brand for her. No surprise there. BUT the most important thing is this:

On April 13, 2021 Mother Murderer Marrier, went down to the post office, showed her ID confirming her identity and picked up the letter I sent her with the accompanying newspaper articles pertaining to my father’s crime.

She knows that I know.

Task complete.

Moving on. ❤

The Bestest Boy Is The “Baddest” Boy.

At first Mooshum presented himself to us as an old guy, slow and unassuming. Friendly and insistent with a paw about touch, but overall not too demanding. A real gentleman who was settled and stable within himself as a senior dog. Exactly the kind of dog you’d expect to meet when meeting a ten year old dog.

We brought him home with that delusion in mind for a sleepover tryout and it was immediately clear that we’d been sold a bill of goods! Mr. Moosh went from feeble, dotty old dog (LIES) to crazy puppy in seconds. Of course we had to have him! I love me a naughty dog.

I bring you a collection of his silly antics. You can see there’s often a common motivator. We call him the Land Shark!

  1. Sniffed out the cat’s food within seconds of entry into our house and hoovered up every last bit. Welcome to the family!
  2. After being “successfully” trained to never enter the kitchen again -its where the cats eat- he sneaked in on tippy toes and brought the glass cat food bowl out into the hallway in his mouth, to eat the food there.
  3. Tried to grab a piece of pizza out of my mouth. Jumped up at my face, jaws wide open to snatch it. Snap!
  4. Regularly eats road toast and anything else his nose sniffs out in the wild. I have taken so many rotting, meaty bones of unknown origin out of his mouth on walks that I now wear rubber gloves because…ew, gross!
  5. Hunts mice and eats them. This would be awesome for pest control except when you eat a mouse, you’re also eating any parasites a mouse might have and then you get parasites too! Parasites that make you uncontrollably poop a slimy mess EVERYWHERE.
  6. Stole a ring box of jewelry off my dresser and tossed it around like a toy, spilling everything out. I was finding jewelry in the carpet for weeks.
  7. Roots through bags and purses for lip balm to eat. Likes gum too.
  8. Chases cars, with us dragging behind on the other end of the leash.
  9. Plows headfirst into the fence after cars, garbage trucks, cop cars with zero regard for safety.
  10. Stole and ate a pack of giant Rockets, plastic package and all.
  11. Stole and ate a whole apple. This is a regular thing. He loves apples. I just give them to him now, ha.
  12. Casually eats off of unattended plates.
  13. Casually eats off attended plates! At our last family dinner one of the kids let him the house while we were eating and it was a freaking circus trying to protect our dinner plates! I still laugh at the scene when I remember it.
  14. Slips under chairs rooting for food, and either drags the empty chair across the room or tips the chair and its occupant over.
  15. Knocked a grandbaby over in the high chair doing the same thing…
  16. Tries to eat anything with fur. I don’t own anything with fur but my daughter has a pair of mukluks and Mooshy LOVES the rabbit pom-poms.
  17. Eats the peanuts I set out for the birds.
  18. Digs giant holes in the garden. He’d rather dig a hole against the fence to lie in than sleep on the cozy bed of hay I made for him.
  19. Ripped a thorny rose bush out of a spot he wanted to lie in.
  20. Shits in my raised garden beds. He backs his butt up into the beds and just ..goes. Ha ha ha.
  21. Plows through all fences put up to stop from doing bad garden things.
  22. Snoops. Usually he sleeps on the porch or in front of the gate but there are times when I catch him in the yard, snooping around, looking for bad things to do. He always starts when I call his name and comes running like he’s soooo innocent but I know the truth. He snoops in the house too. When we were putting the new floor in we couldn’t keep him out of the bedroom!
  23. Plows through anyone on his way to do important dog business. The amount of times I’ve been taken out at the knee by this guy…too many to count. This is especially hilarious with my balance issues.

See? Bad news. 😉 All the way around ❤

He’s sneaky and surprisingly fast for an old guy. You’ll see him limping along, struggling to get up, breathing hard but in reality he’s a fake ass bitch. I don’t want to say it’s all an act but there is definitely some deception going on here, ha ha. The eyes and ears might not work but that nose does! Once he gets a good whiff of something there is no stopping him. Its kind of inspiring…

When he’s not being an asshole about food, he really is a good boy.

  1. Before he got dementia and reverted back to his wild self he ignored a cookie being bopped on his head by a silly baby. (Ok, this was a rare event. He’s always been a land shark.)
  2. He rarely barks.
  3. Unless you’re a coyote and he has to ferociously defend the yard from you. He hates coyotes! If he were free to roam, he’d chase them away. He keeps our little dog safe. He also barks (or alerts) at sketchy people, throwing off bad vibes. He kept my daughter safe. AND he barks and rushes the fence at mean neighbour dogs barking at me too.
  4. He’s also quietly protective of the babies. Lying beside them at all times, keeping them company, watching out for danger. When the babes were little, you could always find Mooshy lying right next to them. It got to be annoying because while I trusted him, I couldn’t obviously trust a baby not to poke him or pull at him but that dog refused to move from their side.
  5. He gets along with the other animals, studiously ignoring the cats and letting our bossy female dog have the last word. This is amazing because I know he was an ass to small creatures in his first community. And you can tell he’s using all his energy to not be an ass here, ha ha. Which I appreciate ❤
  6. He gives very nice kisses on the cheek. We have a little ritual where I lean over to him and offer up my face for him to slurp, ha ha.
  7. When he’s excited about something he bounces up and down and does an adorable little dance that just makes your heart go SQUEE ❤
  8. Our cat was hiding after being traumatized by a stranger in the house and as I was calling out for my kitty in a panic, Mooshy sniffed him out of his hiding spot and whined to alert me to his whereabouts! All on his own. Amazing! He’d never done it before and he’s never done it since. I thought he was just so smart!
  9. He LOVES kids and, aside from the food thing , is excellent with them. Receptive to all touch, tolerating their curiosity. I believe pets and kids ought to be supervised at all times and I’d never let a kid be an ass to an animal but you know sometimes you don’t get to them in time and a poky finger goes up a nose, or a baby crawls over a furry body. Never once has he reacted with teeth. In fact, there have been times when I’ve had to put him away because he’s TOO tolerant and *I* can’t handle how easy going he’s being. Most dogs see a kid coming and move out of the way, not Mooshy!
  10. He’s super tolerant with us too. He doesn’t like being messed around with and tries to run away when we clip his nails or wash his butt (ha!) or clip his fur or clean his ears but he’s never reacted stronger than that. Not even a muzzle bunt. I can’t say the same for my other two dogs. Mooshy grew up wild and free, the other two were (are) pampered house dogs! Moosh is calm and stable. When you hear people talk shit about Rez dogs, just think about that. If I had to rank my pets based on that, Mooshum is number one. Of course we don’t do that here but I’m just saying. Rez dogs get a bad rap and it’s crap. For a lot of different reasons.

I’ve always been lucky with the dogs I’ve taken on as pets and that’s especially true with Mooshy Moosh. If you’re thinking of adopting a senior dog, do it. They might have their quirks but as you can see, they’ll steal your heart in a hot minute and you won’t regret a thing. I know I don’t.

Moving Through The SAD. Tips For A Better Winter.

Usually by this time of year I’m shoulder deep in seasonal depression muck. Uck.

This year though, I’m doing fine. Suspiciously fine, ha. It’s the strangest thing! I’m sure the amazing Autumn weather this year has a lot to do with it and I’m so grateful because this feels good! Is this how normal people feel? I like!

All I have to do is control the weather every Fall from now on and I’ll be good.

Obviously that’s not a realistic plan for the future but that’s OK! I’ve got 18 + years of surviving seasonal depression in me. I’ve learned a thing or two about living through the Big Winter Sad. Maybe some of my tips will help you too! You know, for those days when we can’t control the weather.

Be kind to yourself.

Treat yourself the way you’d treat your best friend. Be relentlessly kind. I treat myself with love, tenderness and grace. Ignore that inner voice that says all those mean things. Don’t compare yourself to others.

Natural light.

I get my face into daylight for at least twenty minutes a day. Ideally for me, this means I go outside for a walk. In reality on really cold days, I spend a lot of time sitting in front of a sunny window. That’s OK. Daylight on your face. That’s what matters.

Basic personal care.

I keep up on my basic hygiene. This is non negotiable for me. I feel like once my basic hygiene starts to slip I’m in trouble so I don’t allow myself an inch on this one. Brush your teeth, comb your hair. Wash your bod. Even if this means you’re giving yourself a bird bath in the sink. Do it.

Take care of the inside too.

I take my vitamins as best as I can remember. I move my body as best as I can. I drink some water. The bare minimum, your bare minimum is better than nothing at all. Just do what you can. Anything is better than nothing. Yes the goal is remembering always but the reality is different day by day. This is where being kind to yourself really pays off. We’re not going to berate ourselves for not being perfect. We’re going to try our best and if our best is the bare minimum then that’s good enough.

Stay social.

The desire to self isolate is STRONG but I make sure I see at least one person (extra from your family) a month. You don’t even have to do this in person, ya know with this pandemic and all. You just need to see/talk to someone, once a month at least!


No, I’m not going to tell you to stay positive. Fuck that shit. I am going to tell you to find something, your own tiny spark of knowledge that acts as a lamp light of hope for a better tomorrow. I like to remember that after the Solstice, the days get longer again. I find comfort in the sunrises and sunsets. No matter what happens, they go on. The birds still sing! Soon the light will will start to change in the sky and you will feel the coming Spring in your bones. Find something that connects you to the wisdom and magic of our natural world. Trust in the cycle of the nature of things.

And finally….talk about it.

Yes, I know this makes a lot of people cringe. We’re taught in our culture to keep these things to ourselves but let me tell you this: depression loves nothing more than to get you alone in a dark room so it can kill you. That’s exactly why I’m so open about my own Big Sad: to help end the stigma of mental illness. To help create a world where others feel comfortable and safe coming forward to share their stories and experiences. Would you hide your fractured leg in embarrassment and shame? Then you don’t need to hide this. And if anyone tells you otherwise or makes you feel like you’re “just looking for attention” or less than in any other way, you send them to me and I’ll straighten them out.

Do you have any tips you’d like to add? Share them in the comments!

Be well my Loves.

Getting Away, Getting Away…

Getting away with murder.

I’ve come up against another brain block when it comes to this subject again. Maybe I should wait until it passes to write again but I want to keep moving forward damnit! I’ve got a good vibe going on!

I just can’t access sense or emotion here.

Maybe that’s the source of my good vibe. Ha!

At any rate, I’m going to bulldoze through as best I can with what I have so I can carry on with this story.

A note here: My belief, my knowing about my dad’s state of mind at the time of the murders, is not up for debate. None of that nonsense will be entertained. Much love and many thanks for your understanding. ❤

As I read the numerous newspaper articles concerning the murder and my father’s state of mind, it became very clear to me that something was amiss. I was overcome with a sense that I’d seen this act before. Grown up with it in fact!

If I had the brain capacity I’d go into all the details about how every time his trial date would draw near he’d have a “fit” and need to be transferred from Oakalla Prison to Riverview. ( The hospital for mental health patients) Or how his epilepsy was non existent in all the years I knew him, or how he used other people’s prejudices about neurodivergent people to his own advantage and tricked the authorities into thinking he was “crazy” and unable to be in his right mind at the time of the rapes and murders.

Crazy? Yeah…like a fox. My dad was a master manipulator and the tricks that he used on his family were the same tricks he used on the Townsends and the people evaluating him. I knew as much when I learned Linda had been raped and my belief was cemented after reading the last bit of A Bloodstained Hammer. I feel it in my body. I know its true. I feel like any reasonably intelligent person living would come to the same conclusion too. Especially if they knew what I knew.

ANYWAY: My dad raped and murdered Linda and Eyvon (Violet) because he wanted to. Plain and simple. And then he got away with murder.

He was sent to Riverview Hospital where he lived most peacefully. Three hots and a cot. He was given a job on Colony Farm. He probably had access to activities and schooling. No hammers to the head for this guy!

Later on he was allowed to travel unescorted between Colony farm and the hospital. He used the trust he cultivated in hospital staff to make a run for it and was able to make his way back to his hometown of Faust, Alberta where he was caught and returned.

One would think that would be a sign that perhaps he wasn’t “cured” but nooooooo, somehow fours later the man was able to gain enough privilege and freedom to have supervised outings…

and get married.

Married! To my mother. While he still lived at Riverview Hospital under orders from a judge because he’d raped and murdered two people…aaaaah!

Shortly after that, they had me.


Coming soon: The child who wished she was adopted.

The Bestest Boy Names Himself.

It’s coming up on the seven year anniversary of Mooshum’s Gotcha Day and let me tell you, I am shocked.

When we adopted Mooshy Mush he was 10 years old. Never in my life did I imagine this guy would live to be seventeen. At the start of every Summer I say to someone ” I don’t think he’ll last the season” or ” This will be his last Summer with us” and every Autumn he surprises the hell out of me by living life as he always has. Even his Vet is a bit stunned by it all and says he’s doing amazingly well, all things considered.

But Mooshy is 17, and his body is starting to wind itself down. He’s got congestive heart disease and the symptoms seem to be escalating, despite his medications. According to the studies I’ve read, he’s got somewhere between 6 and 18 months left to live. Symptom wise I’m going with 6 months…experience wise…18 🙂 One can hope, so long as he’s got a decent quality of life of course.

Time will tell. In the meantime won’t you indulge me in a series about The Bestest Boy?

10 years young.

We adopted Mooshum through SCARS only he wasn’t Mooshum quite yet, they were calling him Nooshum.

Nooshum came from a community in the eastern part of the province and lived the first ten years of his life roaming free, chasing away coyotes, unneutered and living his best life, ha ha. As he grew older, his muzzle wrote checks that his rump couldn’t cash and the other community dogs ganged up on him and life became not so safe for the old boy. Nooshum’s owner was really worried the other dogs would kill him the next time so when the Alberta Spay & Neuter Task Force (Now known as the Canadian Animal Task Force) came into the community, his guardians asked for Nooshum be rehomed to save his life. That beautiful, selfless act of love enabled us to become Nooshum’s jail retirement home.

So how did Nooshum become Mooshum? Well, being smarter and quicker than me, he told me so himself.

When we adopted him we were calling him by the name he came to us with but it was obvious right away that Nooshum meant nothing to him. I’d call him and and get zero response. I knew he wasn’t deaf (yet) because he sure heard the food bag well enough, but his name just wasn’t eliciting a response. Was I saying it wrong? Probably. I figured Nooshum was a Cree – Nehiyawak- word but for what? My internet searches turned up no answer but my brain wouldn’t let it go. I knew the Nehiyawak word for grandfather was *Mooshum…M and N kind of look the same if scribbled down, they’re also right next to each other on a computer keyboard. Maybe his name was Mooshum?…It would make sense. I called my 18 year old cat Grandfather as an honorific too…hmmm.

With that theory in mind, I picked my moment and put thought into action ” Mooshum!” I called out to him as he was sleeping at the end of the hall.


That dog’s head shot up like a rocket! He cocked it swiftly from side to side and jumped up on his feet, bouncing up and down on all four paws as if to say ” My name! My name! You know my name!” and that was the end of that! Who was I to argue with a reaction like that? He’s been Mooshum ever since and I think obviously he was Mooshum before. Once we had his real name, he really blossomed with us. Opening up, settling in and trusting us more and more from that point on. He had a lot to get used to and I think it was challenging for him in the beginning. He did adapt eventually but it took about six months, longer than any other dog I’ve ever adopted. You wouldn’t know it now. ❤

Coming soon : The Bestest Boy is also the Baddest Boy.

*Mooshum is incorrect but also not, according to this article I found HERE. Have a look if you’re into language and accuracy like I am ❤

Just The Recipe: Red Hot Toddy

Red Hot Toddy


Red Zinger Tea & Toddy.

Just the recipe HERE

The girlchild and I were reminiscing about our favourite tea the other day.

Red Zinger.

It was a funky blend of sticks and leaves but the main ingredient was hibiscus. OOOOOH we love us some hibiscus! The tea was sweet without needing sugar, good hot AND cold, and very, very red tasting. (If you know, you know) One used to be able to get it a Superstore, they had their own brand (this should have been my first clue! ) but I haven’t seen it years and years. Inspired by our conversation, I hit up the old Google and what I found made me laugh and laugh and laugh.

Superstore doesn’t make it anymore but fricking Celestial Seasonings sure does! This whole time I was looking for the no name brand when I could have had the original!

This brain…I tell ya…

Making up for lost time, I bought a case!

It was delicious, exactly as I remembered. I’m grateful because I have a lot of it, ha ha.

I’m thinking it would make an excellent Red Hot Toddy. Oh! With my favourite bourbon!

Let’s give that a go:

Red Zinger Hot Toddy

  • Mug of Celestial Seasonings Red Zinger Tea
  • Honey, to taste.
  • Red Stag Black Cherry Bourbon by Jim Beam, to taste. I used half an ounce because it was 10 am when I worked this up, heh. Half an ounce is probably plenty anyway.
  • Squeeze of lemon.

Stir, stir. Sip. Sip.

The verdict: Gooooooood! Dangerously good, like candy. I’ve found hot toddies to be a great comfort when I’m ill but they always taste so strong and medicinal. This is not like that at all and I am here for it!

Do you have a favourite tea? Tell me all about it!

You can find this tea online at a variety of sources, including here >Red Zinger Tea<

Cheers and thanks for reading!